New year, Fresh Start, Fresh House!
It’s that time of the year again, out with the old and in with the new. It is great to start the new year with a tidy house, as this means you will have a tidy mind. A lot of us take these few days away from work to clear both our minds and our homes in preparation for the year ahead. We wish you the happiest of new years from our whole team here at SPh2ONGE and hope that your year is filled with hope and joy. Here are some tips to guarantee that you home will be as ready as you are to jump into the new year.
Clear out the junk!
Tableware – We all have cupboards full of mis-matched mugs and glasses that we’ve taken from the local pub (we won’t tell anyone!). But this hoard takes up valuable space and adds extra clutter to our homes that we don’t need. The new year is a great time to sort through your collection of tableware and throw out anything that is…
- Broken
- Chipped
- Scratched
- Holds no personal value or purpose
- Goes un-used
- Kitchen cupboards – Yes! Dried foods and tinned foods really do go out of date! The new year is a great time to tackle the depths of your kitchen cupboards to throw out any food that has passed it’s use by date. This includes stale biscuits and cereal, canned foods, as well as anything else you store in there. This is a great opportunity to donate any food that is in date but won’t go to use to a food bank or homeless shelter – It is always good to start the new year by helping others. Once you have all the food you want to keep, it is a brilliant opportunity to organise your cupboards into categories, so food is easier to find. You could even go as far creating a list of your stock and placing it in the cupboards so when you use something you can cross it off and know it needs to be repurchased.
- Winter Wardrobe – All of us are guilty of hoarding things due to ‘what ifs’. But when have we actually reached for that item in the past year? Not once! It is a great idea to take inspiration of home guru Marie Kondo and use her philosophy of getting rid of anything that doesn’t ‘spark joy’ when you hold it. The new year is a great time to get rid of any clothes that you just no longer get the wear out of. Anything damaged can be repaired or thrown away, whilst any clothes you don’t wear can be donated to charity to help those less fortunate in the coming year. Make your wardrobe a treat to open in the morning with all your clothes easy to find and presented in a way that makes you motivated to start the day – there is nothing worse than waking up and knowing you are going to have to dig through the wardrobe for 10 minutes to find your workwear.